We invest in what matters
Wealth management
We are proud to be recognized for our work.
The best accolades are those we receive from our clients. From referrals to friends and family members to kind words, we sincerely appreciate the depth of our relationships and are inspired by our clients’ stories and the work we do.
Case studies
How we helped one client’s peace of mind
A client suffered from leukemia for many years. He had periods of remission followed by hospitalizations for treatments. Our team did significant financial and investment planning with the client in light of the circumstances. One Sunday, we received a call from the client. He told us his disease had progressed and this time he did not think he would make it home from the hospital. He was understandably worried about his family’s future once he was gone. At the client's request, we called the client’s estate attorney and we went to the hospital together to meet with the client. The client was wheeled into a conference room where we reviewed his investment and estate plans. He was able to understand that his family would be able to continue their present lifestyle after his death. The client passed days after our meeting. We believe he did so with an enhanced peace of mind that his family was financially secure.
How we helped a family protect their assets and legacy
Another client, John, was a 90-year-old widower with three adult children and six grandchildren. During the client and his wife’s lifetime, they established Trusts for each of the grandchildren, using a portion of their lifetime exemption. When his wife passed, her assets exceeded the Illinois state estate tax exemption and Federal estate tax exemptions (which at that time was much lower than today.) As a result, a Marital and Family Trust were funded for the husband’s benefit. In addition to assets held in Irrevocable Trusts for his benefit, he had assets titled in his own name, specifically his Revocable Trust and retirement assets (IRAs and Roth IRAs). Separate from the funds held for individuals and family, the couple established a large family foundation they funded regularly.
Second time's a charm: Achieving financial independence after 50
The client, Mrs. Q, hit financial success at 50 years old, earning approximately $1.4 million per year. Prior to this later success, she had no significant savings. Without any significant savings, Mrs. Q’s goal now is to build up her savings and investments to reach “financial independence” as soon as possible. Ultimately, she would like to shift her career to something she finds more interesting but less remunerative.
Barron’s Top 100 RIA Firms 2024

Each year, Barron’s ranks the Top 100 RIA Firms, showcasing financial advisors across the country that prioritize advancement and work toward raising the standards for other firms. We were once again named to Barron's Top 100 RIA Firms list, ranking #41 in 2024.
Read the press releaseCrain’s Chicago Business

Mesirow was recently named one of the Best Places to Work by Crain’s Chicago Business for the fifth consecutive year.
Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index

Mesirow has received a top score of 100 in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index for six years.
Read the press releaseRankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications are not indicative of a firm’s future performance nor do they evaluate the quality of services provided to clients nor should they be construed as a current or past endorsement of Mesirow by any of its clients. Please see this page for important information.
Important disclosure information:
The testimonial provided was made by a current client of Mesirow Wealth Management a division of Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc. an SEC-registered investment advisor. Securities offered through Mesirow Financial, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory Fees are described in Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc.’s Part 2A of the Form ADV. Mesirow refers to Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc. and its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates. The Mesirow name and logo are registered service marks of Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc.
Clients were not compensated, directly or indirectly, for providing any testimonial of Mesirow, its Advisers or their services. Keeping in mind that no two clients, situations, or experiences are exactly alike, the client testimonial should not give any assurance that Mesirow may be able to help any client achieve the same satisfactory results. To the contrary, there can be no assurance that a client or prospective client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if Mesirow is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended or undertaken by Mesirow, or any non-investment related content, made reference to directly or indirectly in this testimonial will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation or prove successful. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this testimonial serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Mesirow.
Mesirow Wealth Management is a division of Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc., is an SEC-registered investment advisor. Securities offered through Mesirow Financial, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory Fees are described in Mesirow Financial Investment Management Inc.’s Part 2A of the Form ADV. Mesirow refers to Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc. and its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates. The Mesirow name and logo are registered service marks of Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc.