Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications are not indicative of a firm’s future performance nor do they evaluate the quality of services provided to clients or guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Mesirow is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should they be construed as a current or past endorsement of Mesirow by any of its clients. 

2025 Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index (Received January 2025 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). The CEI rates employers providing these crucial protections to over 20 million U.S. workers and an additional 18 million abroad. Companies rated in the CEI include Fortune magazine’s 500 largest publicly traded businesses, American Lawyer magazine’s top 200 revenue-grossing law firms (AmLaw 200), and hundreds of publicly and privately held mid- to large-sized businesses. The CEI rates companies on detailed criteria falling under four central pillars: Non-discrimination policies across business entities, Equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families, Supporting an inclusive culture, and Corporate social responsibility. The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei

2025 South Florida Business Journal's Best Places to Work in South Florida (Received December 2024 reflective of previous 12 months – A $250 nomination fee was paid to be considered for this ranking.) In order to be considered, companies are evaluated based on the results of an employee survey administered by Quantum Workplace. The survey considers: communication and resources, individual needs, manager effectiveness, personal engagement, team dynamics, and trust in leadership. 

2024 Barron’s Top RIAs (Received September 2024 for the year 2023 – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for the Barron’s 2024 Top RIA Firms list, applicants were required to complete a 145-question survey, with the firm’s ADV informing the majority of responses. Firms were also required to meet a number of other specified requirements to be eligible for inclusion. Firms were ranked based on various qualitative and quantitative factors, including assets managed, the size and experience of teams, regulatory records of the advisors and firms, technology spending, staff diversity, organic and M&A growth, client segmentation as well as succession planning.

Forbes Best-in-State Top Next-Gen Wealth Advisors ranking (Received August 2024 - reflective of previous 12 months - Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking logo) | Ranking is based on in-person and telephone due-diligence meetings that measure best practices, client retention, industry experience, compliance records, firm nominations, assets under management and Firm-generated revenue (investment performance is not a criterion) by SHOOK® Research, LLC . Shook’s rankings do not reflect all client experiences, endorse any advisor, indicate future performance and are available for client evaluation only.

IFC 2024 ESG Dealer Ranking (received July 2024), is based on an annual assessment of IFC’s dealers based on a range of business aspects, including the provision of arbitrage funding, the quality of coverage, the efficacy of investor relations endeavors. Other aspects considered include loan syndication efforts and interaction with IFC’s legal and back-office functions. IFC considered the ESG standing of its dealers through an annual survey and analysis of its underwriting counterparties. The outcome of the appraisal is incorporated into IFC’s annual dealer scorecard evaluation.

2024 PSN’s Top Guns Manager of the Decade have an r-squared of 0.80 or greater relative to the style benchmark for the latest 10-year period. Moreover, the strategy’s returns were greater than the style benchmark for the latest 10-year period and also standard deviation less than the style benchmark for the latest ten-year period. At this point, the top ten performers for the latest 10-year period become the PSN Top Guns Manager of the Decade.

2023 Best Places to Work in Money Management (received December 2023 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking) is a research-driven program from Best Companies Group that enables a company’s practices, programs and benefits and surveys employees for their perspective. To be eligible, companies must be a for-profit or not-for-profit business or public agency, have a facility in the United States, have a minimum of 20 full and/or part-time employees working in the United States, be in business a minimum of one year, have at least $100 million of discretionary, institutional AUM or have at least $100 million of institutional AUA.

2023 Crain’s Chicago Business Money Managers List (received March 2023), is an annual list of the top 35 firms as ranked by assets under management as of December 31, 2022. To quality, companies generally must be headquartered locally. Rankings are based on the opinions of Crain’s Chicago which does not receive compensation from the advisors in exchange for placement on a ranking. Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications are not indicative of a firm’s future performance nor do they evaluate the quality of services provided to clients or guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Mesirow is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should they be construed as a current or past endorsement of Mesirow by any of its clients.

2023 Barron’s Top RIAs (Received September 2023 for the year 2022 – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for the Barron’s 2023 Top RIA Firms list, applicants were required to complete a 145-question survey, with the firm’s ADV informing the majority of responses. Firms were also required to meet a number of other specified requirements to be eligible for inclusion. Firms were ranked based on various qualitative and quantitative factors, including assets managed, the size and experience of teams, regulatory records of the advisors and firms, technology spending, staff diversity, organic and M&A growth, client segmentation as well as succession planning.


The 2023 PLANADVISER Top Retirement Plan Advisers recognition (received March 2023) is based solely on self-reported quantitative data about an adviser’s practice. To be included in this year’s list, advisers had to have a minimum of 50 plan clients or retirement plan assets under advisement of $400 million or more, as of year-end 2022. After meeting the minimum plan or asset count, advisers are also highlighted if they meet the following categories: have 150 or more 401(k) plan clients; have 10 or more 403(b), 457, nonqualified, DB, cash balance, SEP, SIMPLE or MEP/PEP plan clients; are female; or are younger than 40 years of age. As this recognition is based solely on quantitative figures, there is no judging or subjective measurement, and it is not indicative of any adviser’s future performance. Neither advisory firms nor their employees pay a fee in exchange for this recognition.

2023 Crain’s Chicago Business Money Managers List (received March 2023), is an annual list of the top 35 firms as ranked by assets under management as of December 31, 2022. To quality, companies generally must be headquartered locally. Rankings are based on the opinions of Crain’s Chicago which does not receive compensation from the advisors in exchange for placement on a ranking. 

Named a Top DC Advisor Team for 2022 by the National Association of Plan Advisors (“NAPA”) (Received March 2023 for the year 2022 –  No licensing fees were paid for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for NAPA 2022 Top DC Advisor Team List, applicants were required to complete a survey. The NAPA Top Advisor Teams list focuses on teams, broadly defined as being in a single physical location, and having at least $100 million in DC assets under advisement. It is based on self-reported assets under advisement as of December 31, 2022. 

The Professional Grantor Award (received November 2022) is an annual award sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals to honor the diverse community of fundraising professionals who advance generosity and positive social change in the Chicagoland area. No compensation was exchanged in connection with this ranking. To qualify, the honoree must be a professional member of the Chicago philanthropic community.

2022 Global Citizen Award (received November 2022) is an annual award created by World Business Chicago to honor extraordinary contribution to Chicago’s international reputation, stature and global reach. The organization does not receive direct compensation from the advisor in exchange for placement on a ranking.

2022 Barron’s Top RIAs (Received September 2022 for the year 2021 – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for the Barron’s 2022 Top RIA Firms list, applicants were required to complete a 145-question survey, with the firm’s ADV informing the majority of responses. Firms were also required to meet a number of other specified requirements to be eligible for inclusion. Firms were ranked based on various qualitative and quantitative factors, including assets managed, the size and experience of teams, regulatory records of the advisors and firms, technology spending, staff diversity, organic and M&A growth, client segmentation as well as succession planning. 

2022 Crain’s Best Places to Work (Received August 2022 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). Best Companies Group (BCG), an independent workplace excellence research firm, conducted a two-part survey. Part one, consisted of an employer questionnaire, used to collect information about benefits, policies, practices, and other general information. Part two was a confidential 77-question employee survey used to evaluate local employee’s workplace experience and culture.

2022 Champion for Children award (received June 2022) is given annually by the Children’s Place Association for dedication to the agency’s mission of breaking the cycle of poverty, illness, violence and racial injustice. Rankings are based on the opinions of the Children’s Place Association, the advisor provides ongoing charitable contributions to the organization. The organization does not receive direct compensation from the advisor in exchange for placement on a ranking. 

2022 Crain’s Chicago Business Money Managers List (received May 2022), is an annual list of the top 25 firms as ranked by assets under management as of December 31, 2021.  To quality, companies generally must be headquartered locally. Rankings are based on the opinions of Crain’s Chicago which does not receive compensation from the advisors in exchange for placement on a ranking.

Named a 2022 Top Retirement Plan Advisers by PLANADVISER (Received April 2022 for the year 2022 –  No licensing fees were paid for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for PLANADVISER’s 2022 Top Retirement Plan Advisers list, applicants were required to complete a survey. This designation had been awarded to the top retirement plan advisers and teams based on quantitative measures such as the most plans and assets under advisement. The listing is based at the individual adviser level, instead of at the team level, as was the case for prior years. Team members were asked to supply their entry statistics as a fraction of their team’s figures. 

2022 Best ESG Investment Fund: US Equities; Runner-up (Feb 2022, rating based on 2021) by ESG Investing. The ESG Investing Awards are the only awards devoted to assessing and evaluating the best companies involved in all areas of ESG investing across the globe. They are designed exclusively for banks, investment managers, research houses, ratings agencies, index and ETF providers and exchanges. Rankings are based on the opinions of ESG Investing which does not receive compensation from the advisors in exchange for placement on a ranking. For the full list and more visit: https://www.esginvesting.co.uk/awards/shortlistedfinalists

2022 Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index (Received January 2022 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking).  The CEI rates employers providing these crucial protections to over 20 million U.S. workers and an additional 18 million abroad. Companies rated in the CEI include Fortune magazine’s 500 largest publicly traded businesses, American Lawyer magazine’s top 200 revenue-grossing law firms (AmLaw 200), and hundreds of publicly and privately held mid- to large-sized businesses. The CEI rates companies on detailed criteria falling under four central pillars: Non-discrimination policies across business entities, Equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families, Supporting an inclusive culture, and Corporate social responsibility. The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei. 

Named a 2021 Top Advisor Teams by the National Association of Plan Advisors (“NAPA”) (Received March 2022 for the year 2021 –  No licensing fees were paid for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for NAPA 2021 Top Advisor Teams List, applicants were required to complete a survey. The NAPA Top Advisor Teams list focuses on teams, broadly defined as being in a single physical location, and having at least $100 million in DC assets under advisement. It is based on self-reported assets under advisement as of December 31, 2021.

2021 The Daniel H. Burnham Award for Distinguished Leadership (received November 2021) is an annual award created by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors to pay tribute to a prominent business leader. The award recognizes significant influence in advancing the Chicagoland business climate and civic contributions. Rankings are based on the opinions of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors which does not receive compensation from the advisors in exchange for placement on a ranking.

2021 Barron’s List of Top 100 RIA Firms (Received September 2021 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking). Barron’s is a Barron's is a weekly magazine/newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company that conducted the survey. The survey consisted of a 90-question questionnaire, used to collect information about the firm, wealth advisors, financial, and other general information.

2020 Investment News’ Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers (Received December, 2020) reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award to access detailed data). Best Companies Group (BCG), an independent workplace excellence research firm, conducted a two-part survey. Part one, consisted of an employer questionnaire, used to collect information about benefits, policies, practices, and other general information. Part two was a confidential employee survey used to evaluate local employee’s workplace experience and culture.

2020 Best Places to Work in Money Management (received October 2020; reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking) is a research-driven program from Best Companies Group that enables a company’s practices, programs and benefits and surveys employees for their perspective. To be eligible, companies must be a for-profit or not-for-profit business or public agency, have a facility in the United States, have a minimum of 20 full and/or part-time employees working in the United States, be in business a minimum of one year, have at least $100 million of discretionary, institutional AUM or have at least $100 million of institutional AUA.

Named a 2020 Top 100 Retirement Plan Adviser by PLANADVISER (Received March 2020 for the year 2020 –  No licensing fees were paid for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for PLANADVISER’s 2020 Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers list, applicants were required to complete a survey.  Mesirow Financial was recognized in the Large Team segment for both “$3.5 Billion or more in Retirement Plan Assets Under Advisement” and “200 Retirement Plans or more under advisement”. This designation had been awarded to the top 100 retirement plan advisers and teams based on quantitative measures such as the most plans and assets under advisement.

Named a 2020 Top Multi-Office DC Advisory Firm by the National Association of Plan Advisors (“NAPA”) (Received April 2021 for the year 2020 –  No licensing fees were paid for use of the ranking). In order to be considered for NAPA Top DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms list, applicants were required to complete a survey. NAPA Top DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms list is based on defined contribution (“DC”) assets under advisement as of December 31, 2019. Firms included had to have more than one physical office location and more than $1 billion. 

2019 The Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equity Index (Score received January 2020 reflective of previous 12 months – Licensing fees paid post award for use of the ranking) is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. Rating criteria includes nondiscrimination policies across business entities; equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families; supporting an inclusive culture; and corporate social responsibility.